The “Game of Thrones” Season 6 finale episode is on air!

Written By: admin Published In: Customisable Furniture Date: 2016-06-27

Will your favourites make it alive? What will happen on Game of Thrones finale?

Will Lady Stoneheart be revealed in this final episode?

The final episode of the ‘Game of Thrones’ is marking the end of the penultimate season for Game of Thrones fans. At 69 minutes long, we can all expect the show to lay some surprises as this is the longest episode in the Game of Thrones history!

The finale episode, “The Winds of Winter” advances beyond the author George R.R. Martin’s sixth book, “A Song of Ice and Fire”, in the series with incoming death and darkness, and also possibly more deaths in store for the remaining characters.

Foxtel has two show times for the final episode on the 27th June at 11am and 7:30pm. If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, make sure you tune in today!

There is nothing better than snuggling up like a couch potato in this cold weather watching the finale episode of Game of Thrones.

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